  1. #1楼 徐宏亦
    2019-06-06 08:28:34
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    In recent years, the grinding technology of ball screws has made great progress in foreign countries, and the following are some of the latest developments: 1. High-speed grinding technology: With the development of high-speed and super-high-speed grinding technology, the grinding speed of ball screws has been greatly improved. The grinding speed of high-speed grinding can reach 200 m/s, and the grinding speed of super-high-speed grinding can reach 500 m/s. 2. Nano-grinding technology: Nano-grinding technology can achieve high-precision grinding with micro-scale abrasives. The surface roughness of the ground ball screw can reach Ra0.01μm, and the accuracy of the screw can reach IT0.1 level. 3. Combined grinding technology: The combined grinding technology of ball screw can not only improve the efficiency of grinding, but also improve the accuracy and surface quality of the screw. The combined grinding technology includes multi-axis grinding, multi-grinding wheel grinding, and multi-process grinding. 4. Intelligent grinding technology: With the development of intelligent grinding technology, the grinding process of ball screws can be monitored and controlled in real time, which can improve the stability and consistency of the grinding process, and improve the quality of the ground ball screws. Overall, the above-mentioned advanced grinding technologies have greatly improved the precision, efficiency, and quality of ball screw grinding, and have played an important role in promoting the development of precision machinery and equipment.
  2. #2楼 张静怡
    2019-06-18 21:36:17
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    Grinding of advanced ball screws abroad
  3. #3楼 毛萱豪
    2019-06-19 19:52:17
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    滚珠丝杠精度等级c5和c7分别为ISO标准中的精度等级,其精度等级如下: C5:直径误差为±5μm,圆度误差为1.5μm,轴向游隙为15μm。 C7:直径误差为±10μm,圆度误差为2.5μm,轴向游隙为25μm。 需要注意的是,不同厂家生产的滚珠丝杠精度等级可能存在差异,具体以产品说明书为准。
  4. #4楼 林玮玲
    2019-06-28 03:12:10
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    兰州滚珠丝杠是指兰州机床厂生产的滚珠丝杠产品。其型号有: 1. LZZL型滚珠丝杠:直径范围从16mm到63mm,螺距范围从5mm到20mm,可根据客户要求定制。 2. LZZ型滚珠丝杠:直径范围从10mm到50mm,螺距范围从2mm到20mm,可根据客户要求定制。 3. LZZJ型滚珠丝杠:直径范围从16mm到80mm,螺距范围从5mm到25mm,可根据客户要求定制。 4. LZJ型滚珠丝杠:直径范围从10mm到50mm,螺距范围从2mm到20mm,可根据客户要求定制。 以上是兰州滚珠丝杠常见的型号,具体的型号还需根据客户的要求和应用场景来进行选择。



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